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ICT and Profession

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or in English known as the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), is a big umbrella term that covers all the technical equipment to process and convey information. ICT covers two aspects of information technology and communication technology. Information technology encompasses all matters relating to process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management information. While communication technology is anything that relates to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another. Therefore, information technology and communication technology are two inseparable concepts. So the Information and Communication Technology contains broad understanding of all activities related to the processing, manipulation, management, transfer of information between the media. The term ICT emerged after the introduction of a combination of computer technology (both hardware and software) with communications technology in the mid-20th century. Blend the two technologies was growing rapidly beyond any other technology. Until the beginning of the 21st century ICT still continue to experience various changes and have not seen the point of saturation.
Table of contents  
* 1 History  
* 2 Application of ICT in Education in Indonesia        
    o 2.1 Electronic Books        
   o 2.2 E-learning

There are several milestone developments in technology which significantly contribute to the development of ICT to the present. First is finding telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1875. The findings are then developed into the procurement of communication with the cable network covering the entire mainland United States, even followed the installation of trans-Atlantic communications cable. Telephone network is a massive infrastructure that was built first humans to global communication. Entering the 20th century, precisely between the years 1910 to 1920, realized a wireless voice transmission through the first AM radio broadcast. This wireless voice communications were soon booming. Then followed by audio-visual transmission without wires, which form broadcast television in the 1940s. The first electronic computer operations in 1943. Then followed by a phase of miniaturization of electronic components through the invention of the transistor in 1947 and integrated circuit (integrated electronics) in 1957. The development of electronics technology, which is the embryo of ICT at this time, get a golden moment in the Cold War era. Science and technology competition between the Western bloc (United States) and Eastern Bloc (former USSR) actually spur technological development through the efforts of electronic miniaturization of electronic circuit for controlling the spacecraft as well as the machines of war. Miniaturization of electronic components, through the creation of an integrated circuit, at its peak gave birth to a microprocessor. Microprocessor that is the 'brains' of computer hardware and continue to evolve until today. Telecommunications equipment developed rapidly when digital technology began to be used to replace analog technology. Analog technology started to show the maximum limits pengeksplorasiannya. Digitalization of telecommunications equipment and computers converge with that from the beginning is a device that adopts digital technology. This convergence products that currently appear in the form of a cell phone. On top of telecommunications and computing infrastructure is the content of the content (content) in the form of multimedia to get the right place to grow. Telecommunications Convergence - multimedia computing is what characterizes the 21st century, as the 18th century is characterized by the industrial revolution. When the industrial revolution to make the machines as a substitute for 'muscle' man, then the digital revolution (because of the convergence of telecommunications - the multimedia computing occur through the implementation of digital technology) to create machines that replace (or at least improve the ability of) the 'brains' of man.

[Edit] Application of ICT in Education in Indonesia Indonesia has used the term telematics (Telematics) for approximately the same meaning with ICT that we know today. Encarta Dictionary describes as telecommunication + informatics Telematics (telecommunication + informatics) despite earlier word meaning science of data transmission. Processing and distribution of information through telecommunications networks open many opportunities to be utilized in various fields of human life, including the one in education. The idea of ​​using machine-learning, making the simulation of complex processes, animation processes described extremely difficult to attract learning practitioners. Additionally, the possibility to serve the learning that is not constrained time and place can also be facilitated by ICT. In line with that start popping up various jargon beginning with E, ranging from e-books, e-learning, e-laboratory, e-education, e-library, and so forth. E meaningful prefix that is implicitly understood electronics technology based on digital electronics. Utilization of ICT in learning in Indonesia has a long history. Initiative held a radio broadcast education and educational television is an attempt to spread information to the education units scattered throughout the archipelago. This is a form of consciousness to optimize the utilization of technology in helping the community learning process. The main disadvantages of radio and television education is the lack of immediate feedback. Broadcasts are unidirectional ie from resource persons or facilitators to learners. Introduction of computers with the ability to process and present a multimedia display (text, graphics, images, sounds and moving images) provide new opportunities to overcome weaknesses that are not owned radio and television broadcasts. When the television is only able to provide direction information (especially if the material is material tayangannya recordings), internet technology-based learning provides opportunities to interact both synchronous (real time) or asynchronous (delayed). Internet-based learning enables learning in sync with the main advantage that the learner and the facilitator does not have to be in the same place. Utilization of video conferencing technology that is run by using Internet technology allows learners to be anywhere along the network-connected computer. In addition to leading applications like that, some other opportunities that are simpler and cheaper also can be developed in line with advances in ICT today.

[Edit] Electronic Books Electronic book or e-book is one that utilizes computer technology to deliver multimedia information in a compact and dynamic shape. In an e-book can be integrated voice impressions, graphics, images, animation, or movie so that the information presented is richer than the conventional book. Type the e-book of the simplest is that simply moving the conventional book into electronic form displayed by the computer. With this technology, hundreds of books can be stored in a single CD or compact disk (capacity of about 700MB), DVD or digital versatile disk (capacity 4.7 to 8.5 GB) and flash (the current available capacity to 16 GB). Form a more complex and require more careful design such as the Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia and the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which is in multimedia format. Multimedia format allows the e-book provides not only written information but also sound, images, movies and other multimedia elements. A description of one type of music for example, may be accompanied by the sound of music samples so that users can clearly understand what is meant by the presenter.

[Edit] E-learning Various definitions can be found for e-learning. Victoria L. Tinio, for example, states that e-learning include learning at all levels, formal and informal, which uses a computer network (intranet and extranet) for the delivery of teaching materials, interactions, and / or facilitation. For most of the learning process is ongoing with the help of the Internet network is often referred to as online learning. Broader definition set out in the working paper SEAMOLEC, namely e-learning is learning through electronic services. Although various definitions but basically agreed that e-learning is learning by using electronic technology as a means of presentation and distribution of information. In that definition included radio and television education as one form of e-learning. Although radio and television education is one form of e-learning, is generally agreed that e-learning reaches its peak form after a synergy with the Internet technology. Internet-based learning or web-based learning in its simplest form is a website that used to present learning materials. This allows the learner access to learning resources provided by resource persons or facilitators whenever desired. When it is necessary to also provide a mailing list specifically for those learning site that serves as a forum for discussion. Facilities complete e-learning provided by a special software called a learning management software or LMS (learning management system). LMS-based walking latest Internet technologies that can be accessed from anywhere over the available access to the internet. Facilities provided include the management of students or learners, learning content management, learning management, including management of the learning evaluation and management of communication between learners with a facilitator-facilitator. This facility allows the learning activities are managed without a face to face directly between the parties involved (administrators, facilitators, learners, or learners). 'Presence' the parties involved are represented by e-mail, chat channel, or through video conferencing.

People of the Web WorldHere's a list of 50 important people and influential in the world wide web:1. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google Executive2. Steve Jobs, Apple CEO3. Bram Cohen, BitTorrent cofounder4. Mike Morhaime, president of Blizzard Entertainment5. Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Founder6. John Doerr, venture capitalist at Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers7. Craig Newmark, Founder Craigslist8. Peter Levinsohn, president of Fox Interactive Media9. Marissa Mayer, Google's vice president for search products & user experience10. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, Founder of YouTube11. Kevin J. Martin, Chairman U.S. Federal Communications Commission12. Brad Templeton, chairman of the board of Electronic Frontier Foundation13. Henry Chon, CEO of Cyworld14. Shana Fisher, senior vice president of IAC / InterActiveCorp to strategy and15. Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, Skype and Kazaa Founder16. Matt Mullenweg, developer of software and WordPress blogging site17. Philip Rosedale, Linden Lab CEO18. Jon Lech Johansen, Creator DeCSS decryption program19. Jerry Yang, David Filo, and Terry Semel, Yahoo's Executive Circle20. Jack Ma, COO21. Brewster Kahle, Director of the Internet Archive22. Ray Ozzie, Microsoft's chief software architect23. Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, Daily Kos Blogger24. Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO25. Robert Scoble, vice president of media development for PodTech.net26. John Battelle, entrepreneur and chairman of Federated Media Publishing27. Lawrence Lessig, CEO of Creative Commons28. Meg Whitman, eBay CEO29. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon30. Michael Arrington, Blogger / publisher from TechCrunch31. Bruce Schneier, Cryptographer32. Kevin Rose, Digg Founder33. David Farber, Founder Interesting-People.org34. John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson, and Paul Mirengoff, Powerline Author35. Vinton G. Cerf, ICANN Chairman Board of Directors, as well as vice president and chief36. Tim O'Reilly, Founder and CEO O'Reilly Media37. Drew Curtis, founder38. Gabe Rivera, Techmeme Creator39. Dave Winer, blogger and author of RSS 2.040. Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla's vice president of engineering41. Perez Hilton, Hollywood blogger42. Paul Graham, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, and Jessica Livingston, founder of Y Combinator43. Mikko H. Hypponen, director of antivirus research, F-Secure44. Rob Malda, Founder Slashdot.org45. Nick Denton, Gawker Media founder46. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)47. Leo Laporte, Creator podcast This Week in Tech (Twit)48. Mohammed and Omar Fadhil, Blogging Iraq Vote49. Jesse James Garrett, President of Adaptive Path50. Tila Tequila, MySpace People

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aku akan membahas bola dan music ..
banyak perbedaan antara keduanya ..
Manchester United F.C. (biasa disingkat Man Utd, Man United atau hanya MU) adalah sebuah klub sepak bola papan atas di Inggris yang berbasis di Old Trafford, Manchester,
Dibentuk sebagai Newton Heath L&YR F.C. pada 1878 sebagai tim sepak bola depot Perusahaan Kereta Api Lancashire dan Yorkshire Railway di Newton Heath, namanya berganti menjadi Manchester United pada 1902.
Meski sejak dulu telah termasuk salah satu tim terkuat di Inggris, barulah sejak 1993 Manchester United meraih dominasi yang besar di kejuaraan domestik di bawah arahan Sir Alex Ferguson - dominasi dengan skala yang tidak terlihat sejak berakhirnya era Liverpool F.C. pada pertengahan 1970-an dan awal 1980-an. Sejak bergulirnya era Premiership di tahun 1992, Manchester United adalah tim yang paling sukses dengan sebelas kali merebut trofi juara.
Meskipun sukses di kompetisi domestik, kesuksesan tersebut masih sulit diulangi di kejuaraan Eropa; mereka hanya pernah meraih juara di Liga Champions tiga kali sepanjang sejarahnya (1968, 1999, 2008).
Sejak musim 86-87, mereka telah meraih 21 trofi besar - jumlah ini merupakan yang terbanyak di antara klub-klub Liga Utama Inggris. Mereka telah memenangi 18 trofi juara Liga Utama Inggris (termasuk saat masih disebut Divisi Satu). Pada tahun 1968, mereka menjadi tim Inggris pertama yang berhasil memenangi Liga Champions Eropa, setelah mengalahkan S.L. Benfica 4–1, dan mereka memenangi Liga Champions Eropa untuk kedua kalinya pada tahun 1999 dan sekali lagi pada tahun 2008 setelah mengalahkan Chelsea F.C. di final. Mereka juga memegang rekor memenangi Piala FA sebanyak 11 kali.[2] Pada 2008, mereka menjadi klub Inggris pertama dan klub Eropa kedua yang berhasil menjadi Juara Dunia Antarklub FIFA.
Pada 12 Mei 2005, pengusaha Amerika Serikat Malcolm Glazer menjadi pemilik klub dengan membeli mayoritas saham yang bernilai £800 juta (US$1,47 milyar) diikuti dengan banyak protes dari para pendukung fanatik.
apaa itu musik ??
Musik adalah bunyi yang diterima oleh individu dan berbeda-beda berdasarkan sejarah, lokasi, budaya dan selera seseorang. Definisi sejati tentang musik juga bermacam-macam:
  • Bunyi/kesan terhadap sesuatu yang ditangkap oleh indera pendengar
  • Suatu karya seni dengan segenap unsur pokok dan pendukungnya.
  • Segala bunyi yang dihasilkan secara sengaja oleh seseorang atau kumpulan dan disajikan sebagai musik
Beberapa orang menganggap musik tidak berwujud sama sekali.
Musik menurut Aristoteles mempunyai kemampuan mendamaikan hati yang gundah, mempunyai terapi rekreatif dan menumbuhkan jiwa patriotisme.

Berikut adalah daftar aliran/genre utama dalam musik. Masing-masing genre terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa sub-genre. Pengkategorian musik seperti ini, meskipun kadang-kadang merupakan hal yang subjektif, namun merupakan salah satu ilmu yang dipelajari dan ditetapkan oleh para ahli musik dunia.
Dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir, dunia musik mengalami banyak perkembangan. Banyak jenis musik baru yang lahir dan berkembang. Contohnya musik triphop yang merupakan perpaduan antara beat-beat elektronik dengan musik pop yang ringan dan enak didengar. Contoh musisi yang mengusung jenis musik ini adalah Frou Frou, Sneaker Pimps dan Lamb. Ada juga hip-hoprockLinkin Park. Belum lagi dance rock dan neo wave rock yang kini sedang in. banyak kelompok musik baru yang berkibar dengan jenis musik ini, antara lain Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, The Killers, The Bravery dan masih banyak lagi. yang diusung oleh
Bahkan sekarang banyak pula grup musik yang mengusung lagu berbahasa daerah dengan irama musik rock, jazz dan blues

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